When the volume of stock trading exceeds the threshold value an email notification will be sent. Useful to investors in high-yield risky securities e.g. in warrants. Template: https://bit.ly/2Ok8GEF
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Stock Buy Helper tracks stock data. When the volume of trading for any ticker exceeds the threshold value, this ticker will change color and an email notification will be sent.
It can be especially interesting for investors in high-yield risky securities, for example, in warrants. An increase in sales often indicates an increased interest in the stock and can be a signal to buy (or sell, depending on the price change).
The data is loaded daily at a time set by a clock trigger. It is also possible to download at any time. If Stock Buy Helper sees that the trading volume exceeds the threshold value, it will immediately send you an email notification.
Ready template: https://bit.ly/2Ok8GEF
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Stock Buy Helper नीचे दी गई अनुमतियों के ऐक्सेस का अनुरोध करेगा. ज़्यादा जानें
Stock Buy Helper को आपके Google खाते के ऐक्सेस की ज़रूरत होगी
इससे Stock Buy Helper के दायरे में ये अनुमतियां भी शामिल हो जाएंगी :
आपकी सभी Google Sheets स्प्रेडशीट देखना, उनमें बदलाव करना, नई स्प्रेडशीट बनाना, और उन्हें मिटाना
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इस ऐप्लिकेशन को आपके उपस्‍थित न होने पर चलने की अनुमति दें
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