FREE until Sept 30, 2024. Uncover undervalued stocks using our proprietary investment valuation models and Fair Value Calculator - all before your morning brew ☕️.
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Analyse a company's fair value using our proprietary valuation models. Secure your financial future and invest in yourself today with Stock Finance Pro. Enjoy powerful financial tools and insights to grow your wealth—all for less than your daily brew. Start your journey now and see how small changes can lead to big results!

With just a few inputs, our add-on will guide you through a comprehensive analysis—the gold standard for estimating a company's intrinsic worth. Uncover a stock's true value potential and identify undervalued gems in the market.

Key Features:
- Intuitive DCF model with customisable inputs.
- Automated calculations for enterprise value, equity value, and fair price.
- Stress test your assumptions by changing values such as the growth rate.
- Import historical financial data import for easy analysis.
- Convenient integration with your existing Google Sheets analysis.
- Take the guesswork out of stock valuation and invest with confidence.
- Make smarter investment decisions with Stock Finance Pro.
- Unlock your full potential as a savvy, data-driven investor.

Pricing (Subscription Plans):
Informations supplémentaires
TarifsSans frais avec des fonctionnalités payantes
Règles de confidentialité
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