Automatic stock share price fair value calculations, trend analysis and high/low triggers to identify value buy sell trade points.
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Vista geral
Stock Share Price Analysis uses current Google Finance data for current share prices and actual earnings per share. From this data actual fair value share prices and current price discounts are calculated. This provides a basis for direct comparison of share price value. Index trend analysis is also supported.

Estimated future stock share earnings and dividends are also applied to identify future fair value share prices and current price discounts. This provides a basis for direct comparison of the future share price value.

Trend analysis is applied to historical share price data to calculate trend range, high and low trend prices. Chart plots historical and current Price, Trend, High Trend and Low Trend lines. Trade trigger points are identified using High / Low trend prices, estimated future value, and the annual trend slope. Trade trigger points signal potential trades. From held portfolio data current capital profit and future estimated dividend returns are calculated.

Stock Share Price Analysis calculates and provides...
 - Fair Value share price
 - Comparative share value
 - Price and Index Trend Analysis
 - Share price High / Low prices
 - High / Low, Value and Trend Trade Triggers
 - Unique individual investment insight
 - Independent trading plan
... to identify potential buy sell trade points.
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PreçosNão disponível
Estatuto de comerciante não especificado
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