This add-on allows Strategyblocks users to update their metric/kpi via Google Sheets.
This add-on allows Strategyblocks users to update their metric/kpi via Google Sheets.

Visually Stunning Business Strategy Software for Strategic Planning, Management and Execution

StrategyBlocks makes it easy for organizations to succeed in strategic planning, strategy management and agile execution. Our SaaS platform presents your strategic plan in the most visually compelling way, giving you a complete view of execution performance enterprise-wide, joining vision with operational delivery and creating the link between activity (output) with, metrics (outcomes) and risks.

StrategyBlocks was designed to be agile and highly customizable, any strategic plan can be modeled with ease, using your existing strategic phrasing. Your secure data is updated in real-time, the platform highlights duplication of work and cross-departmental inefficiencies. StrategyBlocks allows you to monitor your Strategic Health; execution health can include subjective, qualitative data and risks, everything you need to monitor strategic delivery.

With 12 business awards for our innovative approach to strategy management, StrategyBlocks is the only solution that delivers an agile, highly visual, easy-to-understand system to ensuring your strategy isn’t just well defined, it is well executed.
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Додатку StrategyBlocks Metrics буде потрібен доступ до облікового запису Google
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