Digital Learning, simplified. Give students a one-stop hub for learning.
Informações atualizadas:19 de maio de 2024
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Student Dashboard Digital Backpack is a one-stop hub that schools can purchase to simplify students’ access to their learning expectations and resources. Students will have one-click access to everything they need for learning, from a single mobile-friendly dashboard.

With Student Dashboard Digital Backpack, teachers get access to hundreds of publicly available digital textbooks, novels, units of study and more. Schools can also easily upload their own resources and create a curated resource library for teachers to choose from. 

Benefits and features

*Access textbooks and digital resources anytime, anywhere 
With just a few clicks, teachers can share digital resources to their Google Classroom classes. Whether students are learning in person or at home, with Digital Backpack, they always have access to their assignments and reading materials, in a format that is easy to read on any device.

*Curate a custom library for your school
The Our Library feature of Student Dashboard Digital Backpack allows schools to create their own custom library of resources and books that meet the needs of their learners. It’s a flexible, money-saving solution that delivers equitable access to high-quality licensed and open-source educational resources, textbooks, literature, digital reading tools and content tailored to K-12 readers. 

*Promote student agency
Student Dashboard Digital Backpack helps students better manage their time, develop executive functioning skills and become empowered to manage their learning. The To Do section aggregates all of their assignments and deadlines in one place, enabling them to easily prioritize their work. The notifications section brings all the alerts they receive from multiple platforms into one live feed–meaning learners get important information when they need it. And the Backpack gives them access to essential materials and resources on any device.
Informações adicionais
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Termos de Serviço
O Student Dashboard Digital Backpack pedirá as permissões abaixo. Saiba mais
O Student Dashboard Digital Backpack precisará de acesso à sua Conta do Google
Isso permite que o Student Dashboard Digital Backpack faça o seguinte:
Ver, editar, criar e excluir todos os seus arquivos do Google Drive
Ver e baixar todos os seus arquivos do Google Drive
Ler, escrever, enviar e excluir permanentemente todos os seus e-mails do Gmail
Ver suas configurações e mensagens de e-mail
Visualize assinaturas de grupos em seu domínio
Visualize grupos em seu domínio
Ver as funções de administrador delegadas do seu domínio
Ver informações sobre usuários no seu domínio
Ver e gerenciar avisos no Google Sala de Aula
Ver avisos no Google Sala de Aula
Ver, editar, criar e excluir permanentemente suas aulas do Google Sala de Aula
Ver suas turmas do Google Sala de Aula
Ver, criar e editar itens relacionados ao curso, incluindo atividades, perguntas e notas
Ver tarefas e notas do curso no Google Sala de Aula
Gerencie as tarefas e notas dos alunos nos cursos do Google Sala de Aula ministrados por você e veja as tarefas e notas dos cursos que você administra
Ver as tarefas e notas dos alunos nos cursos do Google Sala de Aula ministrados por você
Ver os endereços de e-mail das pessoas nas suas turmas
Gerenciar as listas de nomes das suas turmas do Google Sala de Aula
Ver as listas de nomes das suas turmas do Google Sala de Aula
Ver, criar e editar tópicos no Google Sala de Aula
Ver o endereço de e-mail principal da sua Conta do Google
Ver suas informações pessoais, inclusive aquelas que você disponibilizou publicamente
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