Import your students names from Google Classroom and insert them into any Google Sheet that contains the student email address.
호환 기기:
Tired of looking at student email addresses and not knowing their names? OTT-o-matic Student Name Import allows you to insert your students names into any sheet that already includes their emails (ie. results of a quiz using Google Forms).  There are two simple steps grab and add your students names:

Step 1 is to grab all of your students emails and names from your active Google Classrooms.
Step 2 is to insert a column next to their email address and add the students names.

Once you have inserted the students names, feel free to relocate the column as needed.  If you do modify the sheet and happen to break the formulas, or have new students enroll in the class, simply re-run the appropriate step. 
사업자 상태가 지정되지 않음
Student Name Import에서 아래에 표시된 권한을 요청합니다. 자세히 알아보기
Student Name Import에서 Google 계정에 액세스해야 함
이렇게 하면 Student Name Import에서 다음 작업을 할 수 있습니다.
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