Student Worklog is a Google sheets Add-on designed to help teachers keep track of student’s attendance and their work.
Ficha actualizada:2 de junio de 2023
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Información general
Student Worklog is a Google sheets Add-on designed to help teachers keep track of student’s attendance and their work. Students get a P (present) and a confirmation email for taking attendance, and a W (work) for taking a quiz or working on any Google docs, slides, and sheets posted on the Google Classroom.
What does it do?
Automatically creates and maintains course sheets, with student rosters directly from Google Classroom.

It goes through all classroom assignments, looks for form submissions (quizzes/tests/exams), or documents, spreadsheets, and slides for last updates.

It writes "W" (work) on the student's corresponding date.

During installation the addon creates an attendance form, and posts it to all courses. When students take attendance from their classroom, the Add-on will send them a confirmation email, and write a "P" (present) on the student's corresponding date. 
In case students do both, work and take attendance, "W" overwrites "P.
It automatically does

Updates one course at a time, on hourly basis. 
It updates for the course that was updated the earliest. 
Updates may also be done manually from the menu or side panel. 
During updates:
It adds new students to the course roster, as well as it removes students that are no longer in the course. 
Gets the most recent student's work records, and attendance, and writes it on the course sheet.

On this column it records student's the most recent day of work. 
It is color coded, relative to course students: 
Red color is for student's that have the longest time without doing any work.
Beige color is for student's that have done work the most recent day.
On this column it records student's work days. 
It is color coded, relative to course students: 
Red color is for student's that have the least number of work days (the least number of "W")
Beige color is for student's that have the most number of work days (the most number of "W")

It provides a calendar view for individual students. 
This may be useful for student/teacher conferences, as well as parent/ teacher conferences.
Información adicional
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Términos del Servicio
Student Worklog solicitará los permisos que se indican abajo. Más información
Student Worklog necesitará acceder a tu cuenta de Google
Con este permiso, Student Worklog podrá:
Ver, editar, crear y eliminar todos tus documentos de Documentos de Google
Ver, modificar, crear y eliminar archivos de Google Drive
Ver y administrar tus formularios en Google Drive.
Ver, editar, crear y eliminar todas tus hojas de cálculo de Hojas de cálculo de Google
Mostrar y publicar contenido web externo en las solicitudes y barras laterales de las aplicaciones de Google
Conectarse a un servicio externo.
Permitir que esta aplicación se ejecute cuando no estás presente.
Enviar correo electrónico en tu nombre.
Ver, modificar, crear y eliminar definitivamente tus clases de Google Classroom
Administrar el trabajo del curso y las calificaciones de los estudiantes en las clases de Google Classroom que impartes; ver el trabajo del curso y las calificaciones en las clases que administras
Ver las direcciones de correo electrónico de las personas de tus clases
Ver las fotos de perfil de las personas de tus clases
Administrar las listas de tus clases de Google Classroom
Ver, crear y editar temas en Google Classroom
Ver la dirección de correo electrónico principal de tu cuenta de Google.
Consultar tu información personal, incluida la que has compartido públicamente
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