Sturdy Connect Gmail™ Allows Sturdy to check an inbox for emails to/from customers.
تم تحديث البيانات في:17 نوفمبر 2022
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Sturdy Connect for use with Gmail™ allows Google Workspace™ admins to grant Sturdy access to a restricted set of Gmail™ inboxes for capture and analysis in Sturdy.

Sturdy listens to your customer feedback (of which Gmail™ is one component) and routes the important things to the right team.  Sturdy pseudonymizes, anonymizes, and redacts PII from conversations it captures. Sturdy’s Data Clean Room ensures you’re delivering the level of privacy and protection your customers expect and deserve.

Sturdy requires administrative access to your Gmail™ readonly oauth scope only so that it can capture customer conversations from the email inboxes that you designate.

We understand that access to email inboxes requires a lot of trust. From both a security and privacy front, we do multiple things to earn and keep that trust:
1.	Our security program has been independently audited to meet the requirements of SOC2 type II.
2.	When we ingest email, we only ingest emails between your inboxes and a known customer contact (as captured from your CRM).
3.	When we receive an email from an inbox, we immediately run enterprise-grade named entity recognition and completely remove any Sensitive Personal Information (SPI). Recognized SPI is NEVER stored by Sturdy.
4.	After SPI redaction, the filtered emails are stored in Sturdy for further processing and review in order to surface important things to the right teams.
5.	When your conversations are used for Machine Learning training, or viewed by the Sturdy team in order to provide you value, the team at Sturdy views an anonymized version of your customer conversations.
6.	All customer conversations (emails, chats, tickets, etc) that might be used by a Sturdy team member are anonymized. 

 Note: This “Admin install” app requires a subscription from Sturdy to work.  
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