SupaSplit is a free Google Sheets™ addon that effortlessly splits columns based on any character, including spaces, and performs character length splits from left to right.
Listelemenin güncellendiği tarih:6 Haziran 2024
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SupaSplit is a powerful and user-friendly Google Sheets™ addon designed to simplify your data manipulation tasks. With SupaSplit, you can easily split columns based on any character of your choice, including spaces, commas, or custom delimiters. Additionally, it offers the capability to split text by character length, moving from left to right, making it ideal for managing data with fixed-width formatting.

Key features of SupaSplit include:

Custom Character Splitting: Select any character to split your columns efficiently.
Space Splitting: Handle data with spaces seamlessly.
Character Length Splitting: Specify the number of characters to split your data consistently.
Intuitive Interface: User-friendly design ensures easy navigation and operation.
Free to Use: Enjoy all features of SupaSplit at no cost.
Whether you're dealing with complex datasets or simple lists, SupaSplit enhances your productivity by providing precise and flexible column-splitting options. Perfect for data analysts, researchers, and anyone working with large datasets in Google Sheets™.
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