Automate Gmail with ChatGPT. Use business documents to draft accurate customer support emails saving hours.
Данные обновлены:16 июля 2024 г.
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Общие сведения
Serve more customers faster. Save time
✅Customer support responses with ChatGPT
✅Trained on your business docs
✅Integrated in Gmail™

SupportScribe is an AI assistant that works with Gmail™ to help you automate answering and resolving customer support tickets. You can upload your enterprise files and documents for SupportScribe to use as reference material to generate contextual and accurate customer support responses.

📘 How it works
1. Install the add-on to Gmail™. The add-on will show up in the right side bar after installation when Gmail™ is opened up. Click the logo to open up SupportScribe.
2. Upload your supporting files and documents using SupportScribe's web portal. These files can be FAQs, manuals, PDFs, customized reports, etc. They will help SupportScribe provide context and specific details and information for generating customer support email responses.
3. Open up Gmail™, click a customer support email you want to respond to, click "Generate Reply" in the SupportScribe sidebar.

It's that easy! For more information, see this post:

Change Log:
7/8/2024: Improve email thread processing
1/17/2024: Initial publish
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Приложение SupportScribe: ChatGPT for Gmail сможет:
Работа с черновиками и отправка писем при взаимодействии с дополнением
Просмотр ваших электронных писем, когда дополнение запущено
Запуск в качестве дополнения Gmail
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