SutiCRM is a web based Customer Relationship Management Software that streamlines the complete customer life cycle across your organization.
Pozycja zaktualizowana:8 września 2022
SutiSoft's cloud based CRM software helps organizations manage and automate campaigns, leads, opportunities, customers and support activities from a single integrated platform. SutiCRM helps improve collaboration and builds strong relationships with new and existing customers.
Key features:
•	Real-time insights into your overall campaign performance
•	Capture leads from multiple sources, assign and qualify them into opportunities
•	Improve visibility into your sales pipeline and gain control over every stage of the sales process
•	Automatically sync opportunities into contacts and customer accounts
•	Instant access to customer data and interactions 
•	Quickly respond to customer issues and reduce resolution times
•	Intuitive dashboards and reports 
SutiCRM and Google Integration
Gmail: Keep track of Gmail interactions from SutiCRM in a single click.
Google Doc: Import files from Google Docs, easily edit and save in SutiCRM.
Google Contacts: Automatically sync and store contacts from Google Contacts to SutiCRM.
Google Calendar: Track and organize your events effectively by seamlessly integrating with Google calendar.
Dodatkowe informacje
CenyBezpłatny okres próbny
Polityka prywatności
Warunki korzystania z usługi
Aplikacja SutiCRM - Cloud CRM Platform poprosi o uprawnienia wymienione poniżej. Więcej informacji
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