AI and machine learning technologies automates approvals and reimbursements processes while enabling businesses to detect the blind spots in the budget.
Дата оновлення:4 жовтня 2022 р.
SutiExpense takes the effort out of expense reporting by making every process quick and easy. Reporting an expense is as simple as capturing a receipt or you can also create an expense directly from card transactions. With SutiExpense multi-ERP integrations, built-in policies, audit capabilities and mobile app, expense reporting has never been so easy. 
Key features:
•	Travel Booking: Integrated travel systems allows you to book flights, hotels and cars within your policies directly from SutiExpense.
•	GPS Mileage Tracking: Integrated GPS system enables businesses to track the number of miles employees traveled on business trip.
•	Import expenses: Integrated with all of the major corporate card providers such as Visa, Master Card and AMEX, users can directly import credit card transactions to SutiExpense.
•	Auto receipt to expense conversion: Capture receipts using your smartphone, and OCR technology extracts data from receipts and populates into your expense report. 
•	Flexible approval flow: Configure multi-level approval workflows for employees, departments, and threshold amounts.
•	Chatbot: Got questions? Our voice-activated chatbot is so human friendly that you can easily interact with and get your queries answered round the clock. 
•	Notifications & alerts: Automatic alerts and notifications on expenses, transactions, approvals, reimbursements and exceptions.
•	Integration: Built-in integrations with multiple accounting systems such as QuickBooks, FreshBooks, and NetSuite facilitate seamless data transfer.
•	Expense audit: Out of policy and duplicate expenses will be red flagged with built-in audit controls.
•	Reports & Analytics: Slice and dice the data the way you want with our broad-array of reporting capabilities. 
Додаткова iнформацiя
ЦіниБезкоштовна пробна версія
Політика конфіденційності
Умови використання
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