SWASCAN The First Cloud Cyber Security Platform
1 tys.+
The First Cloud Cyber Security & GDPR Platform

Swascan is the first Cloud Cyber Security, SAAS & Pay for Use Platform, which identifies, analyzes and solves cybersecurity vulnerabilities and critical issues regarding business assets like:
• Websites
• Web applications
• Mobile apps
• Networks 

Swascan services:

- GDPR Assessment
- Vulnerability Assessment 
- Network Scan

GDPR Assessment is the Online Tool that allows companies to verify and measure their GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation – EU 2016/679) Compliance level. Swascan GDPR provides guidelines and corrective actions to implement in terms of Organization, Policy, Staff, Technology and Control Systems.

The Web App Scan is the automated service to scan Web Vulnerabilities. The Vulnerability Assessment Scanner that identifies security vulnerabilities and criticalities in terms of websites and web applications. The Vulnerability analysis is necessary to quantify risk levels and to provide the corrective actions to implement for the remediation.

Network Scan is the Network Vulnerability Scan automated service. The online Network Scan tool scans the infrastructure and the devices to identify security vulnerabilities and criticalities. The Vulnerability analysis is necessary to quantify risk levels and to provide the corrective actions to implement for the remediation.

Dodatkowe informacje
swascan.comStatus przedsiębiorcy nieokreślony
Polityka prywatności
Warunki korzystania z usługi
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