Give Notion the superpowers of Google Sheets™
Данные обновлены:14 июня 2024 г.
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167 тыс.+
Общие сведения
Keep your Notion databases automatically in sync with Google Sheets. Use Sheets formulas to send data to Notion, sync a sheet with a table, and connect cells to Notion blocks for dynamic dashboards.

👇 How it works?

1. Connect your Notion workspace.
2. Search for databases in your workspace.
3. Start the sync process.


➡️  We take care of the different database properties.

Sync2Sheets translates each Notion database property type to Sheets in the best possible way, keeping links, text and number formats, select options and colors, checkboxes, dates, relationships, roll-ups and more.

Dates 📅
Email 📧
Created time 🕛
Number #️⃣
Phone number 📞
Last edited time 🕝
Checkbox ✅
Rollup 🔍
Last edited by 👤
Multi select ⏬
Url 🔗
Relation ↗️
Files 📎
Created by 👤
People 👥
Formula ∑
Rich text 📄
Select 🔽
Status ☀️
Title 🔖


➡️  We take care of translating the format from Notion to Google Sheets™.

1. 📄  Keep your rich text formatting the same as in Notion automatically. Including links.
2. 📅  Don’t worry about date ranges, we split them in two columns, start and end.
3. 🔽. Data validation and conditional formatting in your select properties.
4. #️⃣. All Notion number formats supported by default, no configuration required.
5. ↗️  We take care of retrieving each related page and setting the links for easy access.


➡️  Enable a whole world of possibilities with your data in Google Sheets™.

📈  Create beautiful charts and use pivot tables to summarize, group and apply business intelligence to your data. You can then embed them back to Notion and have live updates. Use third party add ons to send emails, create amazing presentations and more.


➡️  Enable the usage of Google Sheets™ formulas with synced columns.

🔄  Synced columns allows you to sync the values of a column in Sheets to Notion. Use formulas like =GOOGLEFINANCE, =IMPORTXML and keep those values automatically in sync with your Notion database.

Notion just became much more powerful.


➡️  Build dynamic dashboards with synced cells.

📊  Synced cells allows you to connect the value of a cell in Google Sheets™ with a title, equation, lists, todos or paragraph block in Notion.
Use formulas to summarize information and build amazing dashboards that are updated automatically.

Conditional colors, sizes and more with equations.


👇  Learn More

🎓  FAQ


🙏  Support: Have a question or a feedback?

The niche tool alternative to Zapier, Integrately, IFTTT, Make, Airboxr and Bardeen.
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Приложение Sync2Sheets - Notion in sync with Google Sheets™ сможет:
Просмотр, создание, изменение и удаление только тех файлов на Google Диске, которые вы используете с этим приложением
Создание, просмотр, изменение и удаление ваших таблиц Google
Просмотр электронных таблиц, в которые встроено данное приложение, и управление ими
Отображение и выполнение внешнего веб-контента в уведомлениях и на боковых панелях приложений Google
Подключение к внешнему сервису
Работа приложения во время отсутствия пользователя
Просмотр настроек страны, языка и часового пояса
Просмотр основного адреса электронной почты вашего аккаунта Google
Просмотр ваших личных данных, в том числе общедоступных
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Компания Google не проверяет отзывы и оценки. Подробнее об отзывах…
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