Sync Your Google Contacts With Google Sheets
Oppføring oppdatert:26. desember 2023
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Administrate your Google Contacts like never before:
1) Download your Google Contacts to Google Sheets (on a daily basis)
2) Modify contacts information 
3) Upload contacts directly from Google Sheets (on a daily basis)

Currently available contact fields to read and write:
"Gender" (female, other, male),
"Prefix", "First Name", "Middle Name", "Last Name", "Full Name", "Suffix", "Nickname",
"Birthday ReadOnly",
"Address Home", "Address Work", "Address NoLabel",
"Email Home", "Email Work", "Email NoLabel",
"Website Home", "Website Work", "Website NoLabel",
"Phone Main", "Phone Home", "Phone Work", "Phone Mobile", "Phone NoLabel",
"Company", "Job Title", 
"Profile Picture ReadOnly"
"Contacts Link ReadOnly"

If you want to see all emails, companies, etc. use the „ReadOnly“ fields. Currently available:
"Addresses ReadOnly"
"Emails ReadOnly"
"Websites ReadOnly"
"Phones ReadOnly"
"Groups ReadOnly"
"Last Updated ReadOnly"

In case you see not all options, perform function 1) Create|Check Sheet

If you want to sync all of your contacts, create a label „SyncContactsAll“

To sync selected individual contacts only, create a label „SyncContacts_X“.
X equals your SyncContacts spreadsheet number. You can check it at function "2) General Information".
This way, only contacts with this label will be down-/uploaded from/to this specific Google Sheet.

After uploading contacts, it is essential to refresh your browser tab in order to visualize the changes.It is only possible to up-/download the first item of each category of contact fields -> first in the field  Email Home, first in the field Company, etc.

Sync Contacts does not delete any contacts, it only updates them. 
When a field is completely empty, no changes at the contacts field will be made. 
In order to remove a single field at a specific contact, enter phrase:
Attention: When multiple field values exist (e.g. two NoLabel mobile phone numbers) each time when DELETE NEXT UPLOAD is uploaded, the next field value will be deleted (e.g. 2nd NoLabel mobile phone number). Hence, we recommend to perform a download after deleting fields.

The only limit for down- /uploading contacts is your maximum computation time, which is 360 seconds for standard GMail users. 
Within this time you can download approximately 15000 contacts, upload 15000 and create 250 new contacts. 

GOOGLE QUOTA: There is a daily limit to the number of contacts you can CREATE: 1000 per day maximum. 

All our Add-ons are free of charge with full functionality. 
We do have upgrading options though.
For Sync Contacts you can increase the amount contact fields.
Just get in contact with us for more details.

Submit your EMail address at:
Enter Promotion Keyword: SyncContacts
Instantly receive a Lisence Key to process 15 contact fields

*This promotion is valid for a limited time only

#Contacts #Sync #Upload #Download #Bulk #Daily #Automatically #CRM #Sheets #MaintainApp
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Vilkår for bruk
Sync Contacts kommer til å be om tillatelsene som vises nedenfor. Finn ut mer
Sync Contacts kommer til å trenge tilgang til Google-kontoen din
Dette gir Sync Contacts tillatelse til å:
opprette regneark og se, endre og slette alle regnearkene dine i Google Regneark
se og administrere regneark denne appen er installert i
se, endre, laste ned og permanent slette kontaktene dine
se, endre, laste ned og permanent slette kontaktene dine
se og laste ned kontaktinformasjon fra «Andre kontakter» automatisk
Vis og kjør nettinnhold fra tredjeparter i meldinger og sidefelt inne i Google-apper
tillate denne appen å kjøre når du ikke er tilstede
se den primære e-postadressen for Google-kontoen din
se den personlige informasjonen din, inkludert personlig informasjon du har gjort offentlig tilgjengelig
knytte deg sammen med den personlige informasjonen din som du har lagt ut offentlig
Sorter etter:
Google bekrefter ikke anmeldelser eller vurderinger. Finn ut mer om anmeldelser
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