Two-way sync of contacts, calendars, tasks, etc.
SyncPenguin is a platform for reliable and fully-customizable two-way synchronizations of business tools data.

SyncPenguin provides out-of-the-box connections of Google contacts, calendars, meetings and tasks with other business apps. You can search for the connection your business needs or request one to be built by our developers for free!

Try SyncPenguin now 14 days free!


To use the app, sign up and log in to

To create your sync go to the Synchronizations section and click the plus icon. Follow the steps to create the connection between two data sources needed. Then go to the sync page and create an account, which stores access credentials and some additional settings depending on data sources in use. More information about the settings can be found by clicking the 'Documentation' link.

After you start your synchronization, it usually takes two rounds before you actually see the data being synced (the first sync is used to configure the initial state). There's also a logs link for each account, where you can find some helpful information about your sync process and possible issues.

Feel free to contact in case of any questions.
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SyncPenguin에서 Google 계정에 액세스해야 함
이렇게 하면 SyncPenguin에서 다음 작업을 할 수 있습니다.
Google Calendar를 사용하여 액세스할 수 있는 모든 캘린더 보기, 수정, 공유, 영구 삭제
연락처 보기, 수정, 다운로드, 영구 삭제
할 일 생성, 수정, 정리, 삭제
기본 Google 계정의 이메일 주소 확인
개인정보(공개로 설정한 개인정보 포함) 보기
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