AI-powered 'Teacher's Assistant' for ELA and Social Science teachers, automating grading and providing personalized feedback for writing assignments to save time and enhance student learning.
Informações atualizadas:21 de janeiro de 2025
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An AI-powered "Teacher's Assistant" designed for ELA and Social Science teachers, this tool automates grading for all writing submissions and provides personalized feedback to every student. Traditionally, providing such detailed, individualized feedback across multiple classes and sections is logistically impossible for teachers to manage manually. The process of grading can often take many hours, if not days, delaying valuable feedback that students need to improve.
This AI-driven assistant solves that problem by ensuring that each student receives timely, specific, and personalized feedback tailored to their unique needs. Teachers can upload their rubrics and customize feedback to reflect their teaching style and address student needs. This not only saves teachers significant time but also enhances student learning by enabling them to receive and act on feedback much more quickly.
As echoed by teachers using this tool, it’s like having the power to provide the same high-quality feedback to 160 students as you would to just one, revolutionizing how feedback is delivered in the classroom. This tool empowers teachers to maintain consistent and fair grading across all assignments while freeing them from the overwhelming burden of manual grading, making it an indispensable asset in modern education.
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