Preview Tableau Cloud links within Google Docs™, using Google's Smart Chips API.
Ficha actualizada:18 de julio de 2023
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35 mil+
Información general
This add-on detects when a Tableau Cloud link has been entered on a Google Doc™, and creates a Smart Chip.  The Smart Chip contains the Tableau Viz's name, last updated date, and a preview image.  You can also click on the Smart Chip to take you directly to the Viz in Tableau Cloud.

This add-on works by using Tableau's REST API to fetch metadata, based on the URL provided.  In order to authenticate to Tableau and make those REST API calls, please follow the setup guide to create a Tableau Connected App and save the details in Tableau's Google Workspace™ AddOn Manager.  You will need a Tableau Cloud admin to complete this setup, but once it's finished any licensed Tableau Cloud user can use the add-on.  When users copy/paste a link to a Tableau Cloud Viz, they will get authenticated automatically using their Google email address.  Full details and links are available in the setup guide.

* Tableau Cloud site (Tableau Server not supported)
* Google user's email must match your login to Tableau Cloud

Looking to try this add-on with Tableau Cloud? Check out the below URL to get a free trial:
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Términos del Servicio
Tableau Cloud solicitará los permisos que se indican abajo. Más información
Tableau Cloud necesitará acceder a tu cuenta de Google
Con este permiso, Tableau Cloud podrá:
Ver la URL de los enlaces en las aplicaciones de Google Workspace (como Documentos, Hojas de cálculo y Presentaciones de Google, Gmail, Calendar, etc.)
Ver la dirección de correo electrónico principal de tu cuenta de Google.
Consultar tu información personal, incluida la que has compartido públicamente
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