Tactic is the workplace experience platform for your hybrid team.
Listingan diperbarui:28 Maret 2023
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Our people-centric software empowers you to manage your in-office hours with tools for reserving desks, meeting rooms and parking spaces. And with our interactive office map, you will be able to see who's coming into the office each day, making it easy to collaborate with co-workers.


Tactic's desk and meeting room reservations allow you to easily facilitate in-person collaboration while managing office capacity


View available desks, see who's going to be in office and reserve your favorite spot with the interactive office map

Whether you're in need of a quiet place to focus, a day of in-person collaboration or a space to host a meeting, Tactic has you covered.

Signup today at gettactic.com and discover the perfect way to get the most out of a hybrid workplace.
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