A highly automated gradebook integrated with Google Classroom offering all the tools a teacher needs to effectively manage and teach their classes.
Fiche mise à jour le :2 juin 2023
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Teacher’s Gradebook is a highly automated Google Add-On that is fully integrated with Google Classroom. Teachers can save countless hours of administrative work by allowing the Add-On to handle things for them. All of your courses are in one, easy-to-view place. Full transparency between teachers and students!

Main Features:

Automatic Imports: All of your courses, rosters, assignments and grades are automatically imported from Google Classroom upon installation.

Marking Periods: Add marking periods along with assignment categories and weights in one place. Assignments will be automatically averaged into marking period grades based on due date.

Computerized Grading:
Marking period, class and final averages are automatically calculated and updated every 5 minutes! 
Quickly analyze individual and class performance.

Progress Reports:
Automatically generated progress reports!
Students can get their own progress reports 24/7
Send detailed progress reports with hyperlinked assignments to individual students or the entire class with the click of a button.
Allows students to track their progress and work on assignments they struggled with.

Course Update: 
Automatically performed daily. 
This feature will automatically add/remove/modify assignments based on what is in your Google Classroom. 
Add/Remove students based on your active course roster.
Allow you to easily assign categories to your assignments for the automatic grading to do its thing!

Share Course File: 
Share a course sheet with a co-teacher or administrator in two simple steps.
The shared file is viewable as data so changes cannot be made to your course sheet.

Save Data:
Teacher’s Gradebook data is automatically saved on a weekly basis to prevent data loss.
Can also be done manually with the click of a button!

Additional Benefits:
Teachers may modify/edit assignments directly from the Teacher's Gradebook.
Students hold themselves accountable for their own success.
Complete transparency between teachers, students and guardians.
Allows teachers to go completely paperless!
Informations supplémentaires
TarifsEssai sans frais
Règles de confidentialité
Conditions d'utilisation
Teachers Gradebook A vous demandera les autorisations ci-dessous. En savoir plus
Teachers Gradebook A aura besoin d'accéder à votre compte Google
Teachers Gradebook A pourra ainsi effectuer les actions suivantes :
Consulter, modifier, créer et supprimer tous vos documents Google Docs
Afficher, modifier, créer et supprimer des fichiers dans Google Drive
Consulter et gérer vos formulaires dans Google Drive
Consulter, modifier, créer et supprimer toutes vos feuilles de calcul Google Sheets
Afficher et diffuser du contenu Web tiers dans les invites et les barres latérales au sein des applications Google
Vous connecter à un service externe
Autoriser l'exécution de cette application en votre absence
Envoyer des e-mails depuis votre adresse
Consulter, modifier, créer et supprimer définitivement vos cours Google Classroom
Gérer les devoirs et les notes des élèves dans les cours Google Classroom auxquels vous participez en tant qu'enseignant, et afficher les devoirs et les notes dans les cours auxquels vous participez en tant qu'administrateur
Afficher les adresses e-mail des personnes présentes dans vos classes
Afficher les photos de profil des personnes présentes dans vos classes
Gérer vos listes de classes Google Classroom
Afficher, créer et modifier des thèmes dans Google Classroom
Afficher l'adresse e-mail principale associée à votre compte Google
Consulter vos informations personnelles, y compris celles que vous avez choisi de rendre disponibles publiquement
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