Teach your students the value of organization & time management in a digital world. This is the faculty companion to the myHomework app.
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Teachers.io is the faculty companion app to myHomework, the most popular cross platform student planner app.

This marketplace app is intended for organizations that have partnered with myHomework to provide instructional support for teaching and learning of organizational skills in the digital setting.

Advanced tools, reporting and integrations make it easier than ever to monitor and teach organization skills in a digital world.

Free capabilities within Teachers.io are just the beginning of what's possible.  When you use free Teachers.io, Students using myHomework can easily join your classes and access the assignments, files, announcements, syllabus and other class information you share on Teachers.io. You also have the option of a public profile so students & not using myHomework can still easily get to your class information from your Teachers.io website.

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Teachers.io behöver åtkomst till ditt Google-konto
Detta ger Teachers.io behörighet att:
Visa dina klasser i Google Classroom
Visa kursarbete och betyg för elever i Google Classroom-klasserna du undervisar eller administrerar
Visa e-postadresser för personerna i dina klasser
Visa profilfoton av personerna i dina klasser
Visa klasslistor för dina klasser i Google Classroom
Se den primära e-postadressen för ditt Google-konto
Visa dina personliga uppgifter, inklusive personliga uppgifter som du har gjort offentliga
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