SMS Reminders and RSVPs For Teams, Clubs, & Other Groups
Listelemenin güncellendiği tarih:15 Mart 2022
Şununla çalışır:
Genel Bakış
Send SMS reminders to event attendees quickly and easily!
Uses a single list of attendees per calendar so you can remind your group about upcoming events.

Start sending now with 5 FREE MESSAGES included! Add more for as little as 7¢ per message.
>> No subscription or additional signup required <<

Works great for sports teams, clubs, youth groups, seminars, and other recurring activities.

Skip the annoying group texts! Team Reminders sends messages to each person *individually*.

• Automatically text reminders to event attendees via SMS
• Allow attendees to RSVP with Yes, No, or Maybe
• Use a common list of attendees for all events
• See a list of attendees' statuses for each event
• Keep attendees updated if an event is rescheduled or canceled
• Best of all: attendees do not need to install anything or create an account to use it!

Note: This add-on is NOT intended to be used for appointments since it uses one group of attendees for every event in a calendar. You can edit the list of attendees at any time, but not for each event individually.

How It Works:
1. Add contacts to your group's calendar by entering a list of names and SMS/phone numbers.
2. Set how long before each event you want your reminders to be sent, and turn on automatic reminders. You can also send reminders manually.
3. Each attendee receives a text message reminder before each event.
4. Attendees can respond directly to the text message to indicate their RSVP status. No need to create an account or install an app!
5. Check a live RSVP status list for everyone in the group.

Fore more information, check us out at
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