TeamOne is a Google Sheets™ add-on for IBM™ Planning Analytics (formerly TM1™), allowing easy access, analysis, and uploading of data back to IBM™ Planning Analytics.
Дата оновлення:4 березня 2025 р.
TeamOne seamlessly integrates IBM™ Planning Analytics with Google Sheets™, allowing users to securely connect to their TM1™ server using provided credentials or single-sign-on (SSO). With TeamOne, users can effortlessly read and write IBM™ Planning Analytics data through custom formulas and explorations, run TurboIntegrator processes and chores, manage users and permissions, access server logs, automate routine tasks, compare models, and deploy objects — all directly from the Google Sheets™ interface.

TeamOne adds a dedicated sidebar to Google Sheets™, providing easy access to IBM™ Planning Analytics content. It also introduces powerful functions like TEAMONE(), MDX(), SUBSET(), ATTR(), UPDATE(), and USERNAME(), enabling two-way data integration. This means users can view and update IBM™ Planning Analytics data directly within the Google Sheets™ grid, without requiring any technical expertise.

Users can create dynamic reports and collaborate in real-time, all within the familiar Google Sheets™ environment.

TeamOne also ensures robust security with multiple layers of protection, including Google™ account (required to access Google Sheets™ application), Google Sheets™ document sharing options, TeamOne-specific security settings, and IBM™ Planning Analytics permissions, enabling detailed control and audit of user access.

Google™ and Google Sheets™ are trademarks of Google LLC.
IBM™ and TM1™ are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation.
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