Gain access to your shared passwords directly from your inbox with the TeamPassword Google Workspace addon.
정보 업데이트:2024년 9월 11일
TeamPassword is a Password Manager to manage and share passwords in your team: password management right from your G Suite Account. After installing the add on, you'll be able to log in to your TeamPassword dashboard directly from your inbox or anywhere else within G Suite.

After you install the GSuite Add on, make sure to enable Google Sign-In on your TeamPassword account from your settings page.

To enable Google Sign-In on your TeamPassword account:

1) Sign in using your email and password
2) Browse to your settings page (
3) Under "Google Sign-In" click the button "Sign in with Google"
4) If you're signed in with many Google accounts, select which account you'd like to sue
5) Confirm in TeamPassword that the correct Google identity was selected.

Once confirmed you can use this marketplace app to sign in to your TeamPassword account!
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