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Turn talk into tasks with the Teamwork.com add-on for Gmail™.
Дата оновлення:20 березня 2024 р.
205 тис.+
Teamwork.com is the sole platform for managing client work. It simplifies project management processes, enhances communication, and boosts overall team efficiency. Create and manage projects, prioritize tasks, track time, and generate custom reports – all in one place. Teamwork.com aids in monitoring project costs, estimating future projects, and analyzing team performance. With our Gmail™ add-on, manage decisions directly from your inbox by converting email threads into tasks – ready to be instantly worked on by your teams!

Teamwork.com also integrates seamlessly with your favorite Google Workspace™ tools such as Google Sheets™ Google Docs™, Google Calendar™, and Google Drive™. 
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Додатку Teamwork.com буде потрібен доступ до облікового запису Google
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Перегляд ваших електронних листів, коли доповнення запущено
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