Create and send personalized Telegram notifications whenever someone submits your Google Form™
Adatlap frissítve:2024. március 12.
A következőkkel működik:
1 E+
TelegramQ is a Google Forms™ add-on that allows people to get their Google Form™ notifications and responses to Telegram in real time.
Setting up TelegramQ is easy and takes less than 5 minutes and can save a huge amount of admin hours. So, what are you waiting for? Integrate now!

Steps to Set up TelegramQ
Install the TelegramQ add-on from Google Workspace marketplace™. Accept all the required permissions, create a new Google Form™ or open an existing one.

Login to Telegram, create a bot from the BotFather (follow the steps in the video: and get the Telegram Bot token.

Enter the Telegram Bot token in the add-ons popup menu, create your notification template, and test it.

That’s it, your Google Form™ is now integrated with Telegram. You can start getting your Google Form™ responses to your Telegram account.

Pricing & Plans
Free plan:
Forms allowed: 2
Notifications / Responses: 50

Individual plan (Single user)
Pricing: $3.99/month or $39.99/year
Forms allowed: Unlimited
Notifications / Responses: Unlimited

Enterprise plan (Unlimited users on same organization domain)
Pricing: $6.99/month or $69.99/year
Forms allowed: Unlimited
Notifications/Responses: Unlimited

Why do you need Google Form™ submissions on Telegram?
Telegram is a messaging app for the general public, but many people use it to manage their business. By integrating Google Forms™ with Telegram using TelegramQ add-on, you can get notifications about Google Form™ submissions. But what’s the point?
Imagine you’re running an ad campaign to get real-estate leads. Contacting the leads as quickly as possible is evident in an industry like this. Integrating TelegramQ shall help you get notified about submission with all responses, which can help you take action quicker. And taking quicker actions in competitive industries can result in huge profits.

Above is just one use-case, this add-on for Google Forms™ can be used in multiple industries. Be it web development companies that deal with high-paying software clients or hospitals, college institutions, anyone who uses Google forms™ to get data and wants to be notified and share responses on Telegram can use TelegramQ.

Frequently Asked Questions
1. Is the free plan forever?
Yes, the free plan is going to stay forever. However, the limits might change in the future.

2. What is the difference between Individual and Enterprise plan?
Both the plans offer the same features. However, the main difference is between the number of users who can use the app. If you’re having your own company's domain, then you can allow other people in the organization to make use of TelegramQ. However, in the individual plan, only one email (i.e. user is allowed to access)

3. Do we provide support?
Providing support to our users is number 1 priority for us. In case you come across any issues, you can fill the form on our website: or email us we’ll try to resolve your query in 24-48 hrs. Our average turnaround time is less than 2 hrs though.

4. Is there a Daily Limit on the number of messages that can be sent?
No, there’s no limitation on the number of messages that can be sent. It connects with Telegram's external APIs so it’s always a good idea to add a captcha to your Google Forms™ to avoid bot submissions and keep your responses clean.
Note: Our tool isn’t affiliated with Google Forms™ or Telegram

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A(z) TelegramQ - Telegram Notification for Google Form™ az alább látható engedélyeket fogja kérni. További információ
A(z) TelegramQ - Telegram Notification for Google Form™ alkalmazásnak hozzá kell férnie az Ön Google-fiókjához
Ezzel engedélyezi a(z) TelegramQ - Telegram Notification for Google Form™ számára a következőt:
Űrlapok megtekintése és kezelése a Google Drive-ban
Külső webes tartalmak megjelenítése és futtatása a Google-alkalmazásokon belüli kérésekben és oldalsávokban
Kapcsolódás külső szolgáltatáshoz
Alkalmazás engedélyezése, hogy az Ön jelenléte nélkül is fusson
Az Ön elsődleges Google-fiókjához tartozó e-mail-cím megtekintése
Személyes adatainak megtekintése, beleértve azokat a személyes adatokat is, amelyeket Ön nyilvánosan közzétett
Rendezés alapja:
A Google nem ellenőrzi a véleményeket és az értékeléseket. További információ a véleményekről
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