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Save time by using professionally designed documents and spreadsheet templates created by
Listing updated:September 28, 2023
Works with:
Browse a large gallery of professionally designed templates created by, including calendars, schedules, invoices, time sheets, budgeting tools, letters, resumes, financial calculators, and more.

When you find a template you want to use, click on the Copy to Google Drive™ button and the add-on will save a copy of the template into the root folder of your Google Drive™. Click on the More Info link to visit the page on where you can also access the template.

Clarification on permissions required by this add-on:
This add-on requires the use of the Google Drive™ API to copy a spreadsheet or document template to your Google Drive™. It does not access, update, or delete other documents, spreadsheets, or folders on your Google Drive™.
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Template Gallery for Docs will ask for the permissions shown below. Learn more
Template Gallery for Docs will need access to your Google account
This will allow Template Gallery for Docs to :
See, edit, create, and delete all your Google Docs documents
See, edit, create, and delete all of your Google Drive files
See, edit, create, and delete all your Google Sheets spreadsheets
Display and run third-party web content in prompts and sidebars inside Google applications
See your primary Google Account email address
See your personal info, including any personal info you've made publicly available
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Amelia Oakland
January 27, 2023
Installed the add on. When I search it again it says installed, but when I go to my add ons it is not there and shows I have no apps installed, so 1 star because I got absolutely nothing out of this.
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Jaycee M
February 27, 2023
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Mridu Garg
May 22, 2023
The calendar is incorrect in the template titled monthly-landscape. No correction advice available
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A User of Template Gallery for Docs
April 14, 2018
There is nothing that this Add-On offers that is truly helpful or beneficial. Specifically, I use Google Drive (and its components) as a teacher. I was hoping this would provide useful and aesthetically appealing templates that my students and I could use. Unfortunately, all of these templates are basic, boring, and nothing special.
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A User of Template Gallery for Docs
August 10, 2017
This add-on has some nice, basic templates for use. It is easy to use and very straightforward. Vey helpful and saves time.
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July 7, 2023
How to use
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A User of Template Gallery for Docs
July 30, 2017
An ok tool. It is pretty easy to use, but there are limited templates available. I was hoping for more variety in the Education category.
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A User of Template Gallery for Docs
March 10, 2019
For a free template app, this is good. It doesn't have every template in the world, but it has some good ones. Most negative reviews seem to be from angry school teachers or their students.
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A User of Template Gallery for Docs
May 3, 2018
I was hoping this would have a template to make a booklet. It did not. Some of the templates seemed useful, but I could have made some of those templates on my own.
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A User of Template Gallery for Docs
May 9, 2014
Just what every Docs user needs to find the right layout and design for their next project document. Nice collection of letters and letterhead styles.
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