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Save time by using professionally designed documents and spreadsheet templates created by
Listing updated:September 28, 2023
Works with:
Browse a large gallery of professionally designed templates created by, including calendars, schedules, invoices, time sheets, budgeting tools, letters, resumes, financial calculators, and more.

When you find a template you want to use, click on the Copy to Google Drive™ button and the add-on will save a copy of the template into the root folder of your Google Drive™. Click on the More Info link to visit the page on where you can also access the template.

Clarification on permissions required by this add-on:
This add-on requires the use of the Google Drive™ API to copy a spreadsheet or document template to your Google Drive™. It does not access, update, or delete other documents, spreadsheets, or folders on your Google Drive™.
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Template Gallery for Sheets will ask for the permissions shown below. Learn more
Template Gallery for Sheets will need access to your Google account
This will allow Template Gallery for Sheets to :
See, edit, create, and delete all of your Google Drive files
See, edit, create, and delete all your Google Sheets spreadsheets
Display and run third-party web content in prompts and sidebars inside Google applications
See your primary Google Account email address
See your personal info, including any personal info you've made publicly available
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John Payne
February 19, 2024
Was having a hard time finding the extension at first, but I just popped into sheets and found it accessible when I went to open a new document. I hope that helps someone else. It has exactly what I was hoping for in it and more. I'm sure I'll find another use! Thank you for making my life easier!!
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A.T.M. Ibrahim
October 16, 2024
This Is Very Good
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Katherine Merle
March 26, 2024
Initially I had a similar problem to Mandy M. from December 2023. I only had 2 new "Add On" Templates in my template gallery when opening sheets and going to templates. I also did not have an "Add On" tab when in a sheet. HOWEVER, I figured out how to find it all. When in a sheet, go to EXTENSTIONS, at the bottom for me was "Template Gallery for Sheets". Hover over this to bring up options, choose "Browse Templates". Mine took a moment to load, but did bring up the full Vertex42 Template Gallery. Fingers crossed to everyone else. I gave a 3 star becuase it was so frustrating to figure out initially. I have yet to choose a template and figure out if it is what I am seeking. (Cash Flow Calendar)
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Mandy M
December 29, 2023
As far as I can tell there are exactly TWO new templates available to me as a result of installing this. I was looking for budgeting templates and both of the templates that are tagged "add-on" are website traffic tracking sheets. I've hunted and read reviews and tried all the suggestions, uninstalled and reinstalled to see if I'm missing something. When I click extensions, template gallery for sheets does not appear so there is no way to hover over it and wait for a "little menu to pop up" (although it does indicate in the store that it is installed). At this point, I'm giving up and leaving a 1-star review. Too bad there is such variable experience.
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Hannah Langston
July 29, 2024
Works great! No complaints.
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Kenzi RZ
October 28, 2023
Like many others, as I see, I would have loved for it to work and to give it 5* but the add-on actually never appears in the menu and I've tried everything, it just does not appear in any way… Answering "wot are those": yes, we know that and we all did it and it's just not there LOL. If so many people point at something maybe pay attention to what they say instead of assuming they're all dumb :)
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wot are those
June 27, 2023
Super easy to use, not use why there is a bunch of bad reviews. If you need help accessing the templates: Click "Extensions" Hover over "Template Gallery for Sheets" *A little menu will open up* Click "Browse Templates" Then the extension template menu will open. :)
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Sara DeGarmo
February 1, 2024
it says I do not have access and I can not find any templates.
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Cassy Lamoureux
February 21, 2024
Don't forget to refresh your Spreadsheet after you install this, otherwise the option under Extensions>Template Gallery for Sheets>Browse Templates will not appear.
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MC Bowers
April 26, 2023
Worked for me. I don't know why others have an issue using and getting templates.
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