Within the same spreadsheet, create a copy of a template for each student on the roster.
Ändrades senast:12 mars 2024
Fungerar med:
29 mn+
Within the same spreadsheet, create a copy of a template or graphic organizer for each student on the roster. Assuming you have column headers, paste your roster of students into column A on the first sheet. On the second sheet design a template or graphic organizer. Run TemplateTab to create a copy of this graphic organizer for each student. Share the spreadsheet, with edit access, with the students.

This Add-on is created by a credentialed teacher, Alice Keeler, and collects no user data. Collects no PII. It is COPPA and FERPA compliant. Safe for schools and classrooms! Check out more of her Add-ons at http://alicekeeler.com/codedbyalice
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