Create links with text you highlight. Fast and convenient way to link to more information.
Av:James Burns
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Have text in your document that could be used to make a link? 

ex: highlighted text can go here) 
ex: highlighted text can go here)

Usually, when making a link, you would a.) go to the page, b.) copy the link, and c.) manually create a link for each word or set of words to link. Remove the need for intensive manual labor with Text2Link4Docs! Simply build the easy-to-create link formula once, choose to let Text2Link4Docs remember it, and use it to convert selected text when you need it. Simple and convenient. Save a link formula in one document and use it in another!

Add-on comes with two working examples for you to quickly see how it works. There is no limit to the amount of links you can keep on hand for easy reference. Link to search results, websites, or to any page that accepts server GET variables in order to accomplish your web-based productivity needs.

FAQ portion is also included for an easy location to find answers to common questions.

If you've already used Google Chrome's keyword-based search engine in the Omnibox, "Web Searches" for Alfred (Mac), or the "Weby Plugin" for Launchy, then you already have the understanding on how to create links quickly in your Google Docs using Text2Link4Docs! Bring that ease of use you know and love to your Google Docs and to those you share your documents with!

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