One click to insert date/time or timestamp, add parentheses, add thousands separators, and convert between half / fullfwidth form
De:Hsin Yuan Yeh
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Install the Text Factory, then you can simply insert date/time or timestamp from the pulldown menu directly. For the selected text, you can add parentheses , add thousands separators to numbers, convert alphabetic case, and do characters conversion between half and full width form by mouse click on the buttons in sidebar. You can customize the date/time format to conform your culture convention.

Install the Text Factory, then you would find that writing manual, personal diary and daily working digest is quite timesaving and happy tasks.

Open all the source codes to be accessible on the Github repository. (repository name: TextFactory)

feature: enable user to set time zone manually

fixes:  Typo, Calendar in daylight saving area, workaround for script's issue #36759856

format: %+d, %enB and %enb.  For "%+d %enB, %Y" would insert  "1st October 2017".

feature: insert date from calendar

feature: the leading zero will be removed by prefixing * to the existing format.

feature: add format for the Hebrew and lunar calendar.
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Hsin Yuan YehEstatuto de comerciante não especificado
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