Applies fun visual themes to your text using a combination of coloring, emoji particles, and other text attributes.
Współpracuje z:
69 tys.+
Text Themes is a simple add-on that applies fun visual themes to your text using a combination of coloring, emoji particles, and other text attributes.

To use, select the text you want to apply a theme to and then select a theme from the Text Themes menu. Themes can be undone using the Google Docs undo button, Command/Control+Z, or the Remove Theme option.

--------OTHER ADD-ONS--------

Also try Fun Text!

Fun Text is a simple word art add-on that can apply a wide range of fun visual effects to your text, allowing you to creatively customize its appearance.

Get it here:

Also try Bad Translator! 

Bad Translator is a simple add-on that abuses Google Translate by force-feeding your text through the Translate algorithm into a random language multiple times, then back to your language.

Get it here:


Version 1.2 is here, with 12 brand new themes and even a new theme category. Unfortunately this may be the last update because I don't have any ideas for new content at the moment, but we'll see.


The following themes are currently available:






If you have any ideas for new features, you can suggest them to me at I'm always open to new ideas!
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Aplikacja Text Themes będzie potrzebowała dostępu do Twojego konta Google
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