Generate diagrams based on a simple textual syntax. Textografo makes It easy to create, update and share a diagram.
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Información general
Textografo is an online diagramming application used in more than 80 countries by small, medium and large organizations.

Based on a simple textual syntax, Textografo makes your life a little bit less stressful when you need to create, update and collaborate on diagrams like flowcharts, mind maps, decision tree, organizational charts, site maps and more.

By typing text and getting the diagram generated automatically, professionals save time. Diagrams are made in minutes rather than hours. It is as easy as taking notes which are turned into professional-looking diagrams. No more stress, no more hurdles creating your diagrams.

Here is what professionals tell about Textografo:

Darryl Byrne, Business Analyst: “Can see huge potential for text to diagram, especially when based off the back of discovery notes. Sounds amazing.”

Miguel Angel Pareja, International IT Project Manager: “I think is a great idea and brilliant tool.”

Kir Sorokin, Chief Technical Officer (CTO): “So far — impressive!”

Textografo includes the following features:

- Diagrams at lightning speed
Type #start to start, #circle for a circle, #decision to split the process. It doesn’t get simpler than that!

- Present with impact
Display the diagram step by step in just one click. No hurdle.

- Dress it up
Choose a quick theme to change the color and look of your diagram to match your unique identity.

- Involve everyone
Diagrams are stored in the cloud so your team can view, comment and even edit it together in real time.

- Highlight roles
Every team or team member can focus on what’s most important to them.

- Never lose an idea
Use Notes to attach virtual post-its onto any part of your diagram and keep all your ideas in sight.

- Focus on the details
Zoom in to focus on crucial steps and zoom out to see the big picture.

- Simplify complexity
Illustrate relationships between processes by nesting one diagram into another.

- Wherever you need them
Embed your diagram onto a website or platform. Textografo plays well with all your favourite tools.

- Keep on perfecting
If you need to go back to a previous version, you’ll find your revision history all safely backed up in the cloud.
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Ver la dirección de correo electrónico principal de tu cuenta de Google.
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23 de enero de 2019
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