Automate your SEO workflows: from site audits, to keyword research, to project management and reporting. The Blueprint Training provides a full range of Google Sheets templates to tackle these workflows. This Add-on allows you to run *all* of those workflows, from within a single Sheets sidebar. Note: a Blueprint Training Add-on subscription is required to fully take advantage of functionality.
정보 업데이트:2024년 7월 9일
호환 기기:
Supercharge your digital agency practice, with proven processes from The Blueprint Training.

This Add-on rolls up all of the Sheets templates published by the Blueprint, into one Sheets interface.  

It allows you to perform a few key project management functions, from the Sheets sidebar:

1) Copy Sheets templates (for site audits, keyword research, and more) for new clients, automatically adding them to that client's Drive folder.

2) Browse and open those templates from a single menu, rather than rifling through your Drive folders.

3) Manage your projects: add new clients, team members and writers from any Sheet.

Out of the box, the Add-on includes all of the templates available via the Full Blueprint:

- Project Management (Client Workbook, Outreach Management, Content Management)
- Website Quality Audit
- Monthly SEO Report
- Content Audit
- Competitive Analysis
- Keyword Research (New Pages)
- Keyword Research (Existing Pages)
- The Traffic Projection Tool
- Internal Linking Analysis
- On-page Analysis
- Target Pages

The Add-on is only available to Full Blueprint members.  

A license key is required for activation, which you can purchase via subscription at The Blueprint Training.
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