The Humble AI for Google Sheets™ enables you to auto-magically pull data from different sources and APIs and automate tasks such as Linkedin data entry for B2B Sales intelligence and sales operations.
정보 업데이트:2024년 11월 19일
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The Humble AI for Google Sheets™ enables you to auto-magically pull data from different sources and APIs and automate tasks such as Linkedin data entry for B2B Sales intelligence and sales operations.

This enables users to:
Extract Linkedin Profiles: Scrape Linkedin profiles based on a linkedin search url of for your target customers, so you can optimise your leads funnel for sales, investors and business development

Get Google Sheets™ data: Paste commonly used data tables into your spreadsheet, perfect for price lists, product catalogues and master databases where you wish to use a vlookup / index match match

Extract URLs from a site: Extract all website links from a website, perfect for scraping sponsors from events, target customers from a competitor client list
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