Workplace Facilities Booking Application
Ändrades senast:22 november 2021
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When it comes to hybrid workplace for your building, meeting rooms, desks and reception everything is for big buildings. 

If you are a  Google Workspace user and you want low friction hybrid workplace technology to match well good luck!

Introducing Think Workplace which is Google centric, easy to use and suits small to large.

Think Workplace exclusively leverages technology in Google Workspace and Chrome/Android devices to create elegant booking screens , reception concierge (coming soon) and information displays (coming soon) all tightly integrated with Google Workspace Directory, Device Manager,  Meet and Calendar.

Developed and supported by the Thinkcloud team with over ten years experience with the Google ecosystem, its a click to install from Google Workspace Marketplace, order the screens online from us and deploy, manage from your admin panel….. easy!
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Visa och hantera administration av kalenderresurser på domänen
Visa information om användare på din domän
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