ThoughtSpot Connected Slides lets you easily bring charts and live data visualizations from ThoughtSpot to Google Slides™.
Ändrades senast:1 augusti 2024
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6 tn+
ThoughtSpot Connected Slides lets you easily add charts and live data visualizations from your governed analytics catalog to Google Slides™. You no longer need to copy/paste charts from other tools. Just connect to your ThoughtSpot account, find an existing chart in ThoughtSpot you have access to, and add it to your slide presentation.

Access your analytics catalog
Launch the extension directly from Google Slides™ to browse and find content from your governed ThoughtSpot analytics catalog.

Tell your data story in slides
Add trusted insights in the form of charts and visualizations to your slide narratives to tell a compelling fact-driven data story.

Uncover deeper insights
Easily link back to the chart or Liveboard in ThoughtSpot, and freely ask additional questions or drill anywhere to find deeper insights.

Stay up-to-date
Refresh the charts on your current slide or the entire presentation to ensure your insights are kept up-to-date as new data arrives in your trusted data sources.
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ThoughtSpot Connected Slides behöver åtkomst till ditt Google-konto
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