Automate your ChatGPT work with Thunk.AI, a fully self-service AI Agent platform for Workflow, Automation, and Intelligent Projects. It applies GPT4 AI models to each row in Google Sheets™.
Pozycja zaktualizowana:15 sierpnia 2024
Współpracuje z:
927 tys.+
Thunk.AI applies GPT AI agents to work automatically over data rows in Google Sheets.

You know that ChatGPT is useful, but it normally takes manual effort and a lot of "prompt engineering" from you. Instead, Thunk.AI takes care of all the details and automates the interaction with GPT across all your data. This saves you time and effort, and lets you apply GPT AI magic to more aspects of your work and data.

If you find it useful to manually use ChatGPT to process one row of your data, Thunk.AI will be useful to automate that AI work across all your rows.

You can also work together with teammates, assigning each row to one person along with their AI agent.


- If you find yourself using ChatGPT to do individual work tasks, you can do that at scale with Thunk.AI.
- If you are repeatedly checking or correcting data manually, Thunk.AI can automate that.
- If you find yourself having to repeatedly read and understand files, web pages, and emails, Thunk.AI can automate that.
- If you find yourself having to repeatedly generate files or messages, Thunk.AI can automate that.
- If you need to auto-generate synthetic data that meets logical constraints, Thunk.AI can automate that.

Your sheet data gets copied into a "thunk" and then you can continue work in an AI-enhanced environment.

Beyond spreadsheets, you can also use Thunk.AI to create and run GPT AI agents over files, task lists, and emails. In fact, entire complex team projects can be run on Thunk.AI. Your spreadsheet is just a simple starting point.

➤ More details at
➤ Sign in and explore the public samples


✓ Free trial with premium features. ✓ No API key initially required.

Thunk.AI offers a limited free trial with GPT-4. After you hit a usage threshold, you will be prompted to provide your own OpenAI API key. At some point in the near future, we will introduce a built-in pricing plan.


- Process support tickets
- Evaluate candidates for hiring
- Maintain and track team project workitems
- Digitize records
- Generate marketing materials (blogs, ads)
- Web research on specific topics
- Extract, summarize, and translate documents

- Run AI formulas (natural-language descriptions) for each row
- Extract or summarize information in URL links saved in cells
- Categorize or classify rows based on text or image content
- Generate images for each row based on row content
- Collate files, web links, and emails associated with each row.

- A simple task list + AI agents to run the tasks
- A file folder + AI agents to work on each file (extract info from an image, summarize a document, go through a review process) 
- An email Inbox + AI agents that automatically route new messages to relevant data entries and update their status
- A project management system + AI agents that plan and automate a complex team workflow.


Help is built into every chat pane of the product. Just ask your AI a how-to or what-is question.
Engage with the online user community at


1️⃣ Open a spreadsheet in Google Sheets™.
2️⃣ After installing the Thunk.AI add-on, click on the Extensions menu and choose Thunk.AI -> Open.
3️⃣ Follow the instructions in the sidebar to create a new thunk using the data in your sheet.
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