Formats Google Doc™ after pasting from outside sources such as ChatGPT™. Quickly fixes blank paragraphs, 2 spaces after period, indent paragraphs, and more! Cleans up markdown.
Informações atualizadas:11 de outubro de 2024
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40 mil+
Visão geral
This Add-on helps you to quickly format your Google Doc™ if you have copied and pasted from an outside source such as ChatGPT™ or have markdown text.

If a carriage return was used to create white space between paragraphs, use this Add-on TidyDoc by AliceKeeler to quickly eliminate "paragraphs" that do not have text. 

Additional Features 
💥 Quick format after pasting from ChatGPT™ 
💥 Change 2 spaces after the period to one space after the period.
💥 Insert the document title at the cursor position
💥 Change ## to headings
💥 Turn headings into Title Case
💥 Indent paragraphs
💥 Increase text size
💥 Bold first 2 character of each word
💥 Insert a notes section
and more!

This Add-on is created by a credentialed teacher, Alice Keeler, and collects no user data. Collects no PII. It is COPPA and FERPA compliant. Safe for schools and classrooms! Check out more of her Add-ons at
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Não empreendedor
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