This app allows you to view multi-single page color TIFF, various image files. You can open TIFF files from Google Drive directly.
Informações atualizadas:15 de março de 2022
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This TIFF Viewer allows you to view multi-single page TIFF files, and various image files.
This app will open TIFF files, either single or multi-page and display them in an easily viewable JPEG format.
You can open TIFF files from Google Drive directly. It supports a wide range of image format and compressions.
Supported formats: tif, tiff, jp2, pcx, tga, xcf, psd, pcd, cdr, odg, vsd, wmf, emz, wpg, pict, sfw, fpx, eps, pcl, pct, fig...

This app has the option to navigate pages or jump to the beginning or the end of the document. You can also save separate images (JPEG format) to your computer.
Provides connect with Google Drive. Supports Chrome, IE10+, Firefox, Edge... 

Other Supported image formats: ai, aai, art, arw, avs, bpg, bmp, bmp2, bmp3, cals, cin, cmyk, cmyka, cr2, crw, cur, cut, dcr, dcx, dds, dib, dng, dot, dpx, epi, epsf, epsi, ept, exr, fax, fits, gif, gray, hdr, hrz, ico, inline, jbig, jng, jpt, j2c, j2k, jxr, mat, miff, mono, mng...

*What is a TIFF format?
TIFF (Tag Image File Format) is a widely supported open file specification, originally developed by Aldus (acquired by Adobe). It is a raster-based format commonly used for images that come from optical scanners, graphics/photo editing applications, etc.
TIFF files can span multiple pages, contain a number of different raster format "encodings" (ways to represent pixels dots with compression).
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O TIF, TIFF Viewer with Drive pedirá as permissões abaixo. Saiba mais
O TIF, TIFF Viewer with Drive precisará de acesso à sua Conta do Google
Isso permite que o TIF, TIFF Viewer with Drive faça o seguinte:
Ver, criar e excluir os próprios dados de configuração no Google Drive
Ver, editar, criar e excluir apenas os arquivos do Google Drive que você usa com este app
Conectar-se ao seu Google Drive
Conectar a um serviço externo
Ver o endereço de e-mail principal da sua Conta do Google
Ver suas informações pessoais, inclusive aquelas que você disponibilizou publicamente
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Um usuário do TIF, TIFF Viewer with Drive
2 de junho de 2018
Stupid app Just works when online. If you're offline, forget,
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