The Tiller Community Solutions Add-on makes it easy to browse and install a growing library of free personal finance templates, tools, and reports for Google Sheets powered by Tiller Money Feeds.
Đã cập nhật trang thông tin:11 tháng 2, 2025
Hoạt động với:
41 N+
Tổng quan
The Tiller Community Solutions Add-on makes it easy to browse and install an ever-growing library of free personal finance templates, tools, and reports for Google Sheets powered by Tiller Money Feeds.

- Includes free templates for tracking spending, making a budget, visualizing net worth, paying down debt, managing taxes, and more...
- Browse, install, uninstall, update and restore solutions right in the sidebar without leaving Google Sheets.
- Use Tiller Community Solutions to add new features and reports to your existing Tiller Money Foundation template or other Google spreadsheet. 
- Make your own custom personal finance dashboards by mixing and matching community-built templates.
- Experiment with new ways of tracking your financial life in Google Sheets.
How it Works

Tiller Community templates are designed for Google Sheets powered by Tiller Money Feeds. Only Tiller Money Feeds automatically imports your daily spending, account balances, and other transactions into Google Sheets so you can easily track everything in one place. Learn more [GSuite Marketplace listing]
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