The Tiller Migration Helper helps users migrate enriched personal-finance data from a source Tiller spreadsheet to a new destination Tiller spreadsheet.
Pozycja zaktualizowana:31 października 2022
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The Tiller Migration Helper add-on helps with data migrations within Tiller personal-finance spreadsheets. This functionality is delivered as discrete workflows.
First, a spreadsheet-to-spreadsheet migration workflow helps users migrate enriched personal-finance data from a source Tiller spreadsheet to a new destination Tiller spreadsheet. This workflow is useful to users who are starting in new spreadsheets but wish to preserve details added to the original spreadsheet such as  categories, splits, manual balances, etc.
Second, an account migration workflow helps users who are linking new and existing financial institutions to manage data integrity. This workflow is particularly helpful to longtime Tiller users moving from our legacy aggregator to the newer YSL service. This workflow helps users match and merge accounts and also homogenize account fields for good data hygiene. The workflow includes a de-duplication capability that can flag and remove transactions when portions of the user's transaction history overlaps.
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