Get your bank data in a Google Sheet that’s updated each day. A handy add-on to split transactions for easy financial tracking.
A következőkkel működik:
3 E+
Tiller is a subscription service that feeds all of your bank transaction data and balances into a Google Sheet that’s updated every day. Tiller combines the convenience of an online service with the power and flexibility of a fully functional spreadsheet to give you control over how to track your finances. 

This add-on is a companion to Tiller. It allows you to effortlessly split one transaction into two or more, adjust the amounts, and assign categories for each part of the split. Have you ever made a large purchase from a big box or online retailer that you want to categorize into two or more buckets? This add-on makes that easy. 

If you’re already a Tiller subscriber, you’ll be able to use the add-on right away to start splitting transactions on your Transactions tab. If you’re not a Tiller subscriber, you can find more information at 

To split a transaction, simply select any cell in the row you want to split. Then find the “Split Transaction” feature from the Tiller Splitter menu in your Google Sheets “Add-ons” menu. Next, modify the description, category, and amount for the first portion of the transaction, and then add other splits as necessary to define your spending. 

We’d love to hear from you. If you take time to share a review of this add-on please let us know; we’ll show our thanks with an extra free month of Tiller service for you. Questions or feedback? You can reach us at
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A(z) Tiller Splitter az alább látható engedélyeket fogja kérni. További információ
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