Time your Project's Activities & Save them directly to your Calendar. Measure Process Time, Timesheet Recording & Reporting.
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Time Study & Timesheet Tools - Business Process Improvement (BPI) & Management (BPM)

Time your Project's Activities and save them directly to your Calendar.

This Add-on can be used for 3 things:

1. Easily Measure Process Time for Business Process Improvement
2. Timesheet Recording & Keeping (e.g. for consultants)
3. Reporting

The Add-on can be accessed from anywhere (in the cloud) from any device (PC, Mac, tablet, smart phone, digital TV, etc.) with a web browser. The Add-on is optimized for the free Google Chrome web browser.

TIP: If you use Google Sheets on your tablet use the Chrome web browser (not the Sheets App!) and after navigating to the Google Sheets website (https://sheets.google.com) click on the top right menu (3 dots) in Chrome and check the 'Request desktop site' check box. In this way you will be able to use the full functionality of Google Sheets and this Add-on on your tablet!

TIP: If you can not access the internet temporarily then you can record your timings in an offline spreadsheet (e.g. by the Google Sheets App, MS Excel, etc.) or on paper and import the timesheet later by using the built-in Import module!

Instructions on using the Add-on & Help:

1. Start Google Sheets.
2. Start a New Blank spreadsheet and rename it to e.g. Timesheet. Use the Add-on always with this spreadsheet because the spreadsheet is used for storing important information. You can of course start a new spreadsheet any time with a new database.
3. Add the 'Time Study - BPI Tools' add-on from the Add-on menu by clicking on Get add-ons (available in the Google Web Store for free).
4. When the Authorization Required dialog appears push 'Continue'.
5. In the dialog 'Time Study - BPI Tools would like to:' push the 'Allow' button. This is a standard procedure to authorize the Add-on to work with your current spreadsheet.
6. Read the Intro & Help/How To Use (in the Sidebar menu) on how to use the add-on.

TIP: You can share a Calendar with several team members, who all have a copy of this Add-on (linked to a different Spreadsheet) and the same Project/Action database (TS_Database), and record the duration of the project they are working on together!

TIP: You can easily transfer timesheet data from one Calendar to an other one with the Export/Import module in the Settings!

TIP: You can download the report in different formats: PDF, MS Excel, etc. For a PDF report in the File menu (top-left side of your screen) click Download as > PDF document (.pdf).

TIP: You can easily make a PDF invoice for a Project from your Report by extending the Report sheet manually with e.g. a price column and other necessary elements!

More info & Help can be found on the following website https://zoltansomogyi.blogspot.com/p/time-study-bpi-timesheet-tools-cloud.html
You must agree to the Terms & Conditions before using this free Add-on, therefore please read them carefully here: https://zoltansomogyi.blogspot.be/#terms

You may suggest improvements here: https://zoltansomogyi.blogspot.be/p/feedback-form.html
Informations supplémentaires
TarifsNon disponible
Statut de professionnel non spécifié
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Conditions d'utilisation
Time Study - BPI Tools vous demandera les autorisations ci-dessous. En savoir plus
Time Study - BPI Tools aura besoin d'accéder à votre compte Google
Time Study - BPI Tools pourra ainsi effectuer les actions suivantes :
Afficher et gérer les feuilles de calcul dans lesquelles cette application a été installée
Afficher, modifier, partager et supprimer définitivement tous les agendas auxquels vous pouvez accéder dans Google Agenda
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Autoriser l'exécution de cette application en votre absence
Afficher l'adresse e-mail principale associée à votre compte Google
Consulter vos informations personnelles, y compris celles que vous avez choisi de rendre disponibles publiquement
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