With the TimeInvest GSuite add-on, you can transfer your appointments from Google Calendar to your TimeInvest Dashboard with just a single click. Below, we show you a more detailed usage description of the add-on.
호환 기기:
TimeInvest is your online tool to evaluate and improve meetings quickly, easily and anonymously. It is based on the "Return on Time Invested" (ROTI) method, which was developed to evaluate whether meetings add value or respectively improve their effectiveness. 

The process consists of four steps:

Add your meetings

Your existing meetings have room for improvement? Easily add them to your TimeInvest dashboard to improve them in the future.

Get direct feedback

All meeting participants will automatically be notified to anonymously rate the previous meeting on a scale from 1 (bad time investment) to 5 (good time investment) and suggest potential improvements.

Evaluate meetings

TimeInvest automatically calculates an overall evaluation of the meeting and shows you all results and comments in a manageable dashboard.

Act on the feedback

With this concrete and direct feedback, you know how to optimize the next meeting: New agenda, different participants or one instead of two hours time.

With the TimeInvest GSuite add-in you can now add your Google Calendar appointments to your TimeInvest Dashboard with just one click. All you need to do is download the GSuite add-in from the GSuite Marektplace and synchronize it with TimeInvest. When you create a new appointment in Google Calendar and click Sync, the appointment will be added to your TimeInvest Dashboard with title, description, time and date. The participants added in Google Calendar are also automatically preassigned for the subsequent evaluation of the meeting, so you do not have to manually enter their email addresses again. Here you can find detailed installation and user instructions.

Download the GSuite add-in now and improve your meetings with anonymous, qualified and unbiased feedback!

More information about TimeInvest can be found on timeinvest.com.
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