Create a timeline scheduling view from your Google Calendar data.
Ändrades senast:19 augusti 2022
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TimelineTool is the perfect scheduling complement to Google Calendar. Use TimelineTool to schedule employees (staff, shift, or vacation scheduling) or schedule resources (tools, vehicles, or rooms scheduling).

Google calendar is one of the best team scheduling tools available, but it lacks a horizontal timeline view.

Gantt-style timeline graphs are an important tool for team and resource planning. Timeline views allow for scheduling data to be viewed in a way regular calendars and agendas are unable to convey.

Calendar timelines help visualize gaps and overlaps in scheduling, helping to avoid over- or under-utilization of resources.

Map and visualize calendar data across many use cases:

Staff scheduling
Employee vacations
Room scheduling
Project Planning
Warehouse and dock scheduling
And much more!
Print the resulting timeline schedule as it is visible in your browser for better reference and to share with others.
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TimelineTool behöver åtkomst till ditt Google-konto
Detta ger TimelineTool behörighet att:
Visa, redigera, dela och radera alla kalendrar du har åtkomst till via Google Kalender
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