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TimeSheet utilizes your Google Calendar™ as a time recording tool.
Ficha actualizada:8 de febrero de 2025
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Información general
TimeSheet utilizes your Google Calendar™ as a time recording tool. You simply create entries with #tags in your calendar and TimeSheet will create full reports about project usage, resource consumption and project status for you. 

Why spending time on additionally tools if you can use what’s already there? TimeSheet is a great and free solution for freelancers and small sized companies.
•	Use Google Calender™ to track time
•	Use Google Sheets™ to create reports
•	Use the full functionality of Google Sheets™ to make it fit your needs
•	Share your time consumption among others as simply as you share calendars

How it’s done?
Our recommendation is to create a new calendar for your time recordings. You could technically use your personal calendar, but once you want to share your time recordings with somebody else, it would be a lot of work to separate all the entries.

Within that calendar you can create new entries representing your work-packages. Every entry must have a tag that identifies the group or project of the work-package. Behind that tag you can leave a comment to document the work you have done.
For example:
#project1 Learning about time recording with TimeSheet

Make sure that the entries start-time and end-time matches your actual time consumption. Once you create a report now, all entries of your calendar that are having a #tag in its title will be used to create a report. You are also able to apply filters.
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Términos del Servicio
TimeSheet solicitará los permisos que se indican abajo. Más información
TimeSheet necesitará acceder a tu cuenta de Google
Con este permiso, TimeSheet podrá:
Ver, editar, crear y eliminar todas tus hojas de cálculo de Hojas de cálculo de Google
Ver, modificar, compartir y eliminar permanentemente todos los calendarios a los que el usuario puede acceder con Google Calendar
Mostrar y publicar contenido web externo en las solicitudes y barras laterales de las aplicaciones de Google
Ver la dirección de correo electrónico principal de tu cuenta de Google.
Consultar tu información personal, incluida la que has compartido públicamente
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Cristian Cortes S.
4 de febrero de 2021
Muy buena y fácil de usar, sería perfecta si cada entrada de tiempo en el reporte tuviese la fecha en que se realizo la tarea. Muchas Gracias
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