timetoreply is the market-leading email analytics, reporting and reply-time tracking tool for customer-facing and sales teams globally.
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Đã cập nhật trang thông tin:9 tháng 3, 2024
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timetoreply is the market-leading email analytics and performance optimization tool for customer-facing and inbound sales teams globally. Team leaders and team managers use timetoreply to support their teams’ email and lead response performance; delivering responsive customer service (timetoreply Success) and closing more deals (timetoreply Ignite). 

To boost team real-time performance even further, install the timetoreply Optimiser. The timetoreply Optimiser provides real-time data, live, directly to your individual team members to show them how they stack up against their team’s metrics, and also which emails / inbound leads in their inbox they need to attend to next to make sure no SLAs or custom goals are breached. Everyone wins, including your customers and prospects.

timetoreply shows you:

- how quickly and effectively customer emails and inbound sales leads are being responded to
- email / inbound lead volumes by time and day
- times to close or resolution
- individual mailbox/team member performance, shared mailbox performance and how each team member contributes to the workflow through tracked, shared mailboxes.

…and gives real-time reporting on:

- email / inbound lead reply times
- emails  / inbound leads awaiting customer, prospect reply
- emails / inbound leads awaiting your team, or team member’s reply
- contact success rates and how they’re influenced by your team’s reply times
- custom reply time goals, alerts and SLAs
- email / inbound lead volume data - useful for workforce planning
- Mark emails as closed, and leads as won / lost – no need for a ticketing system
- individual, shared and group mailboxes
- team member contribution to shared mailboxes
- 12 month trends

Take the mystery out of your email with customizable dashboards that give you the exact metrics you need to make business decisions.
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timetoreply sẽ cần có quyền truy cập vào Tài khoản Google của bạn
Điều này sẽ cho phép timetoreply:
Chạy dưới dạng tiện ích bổ sung của Gmail
Xem siêu dữ liệu email của bạn như nhãn và tiêu đề chứ không phải nội dung email
Kết nối với dịch vụ bên ngoài
Xem địa chỉ email chính cho Tài khoản Google của bạn
Xem thông tin cá nhân của bạn, bao gồm mọi thông tin cá nhân mà bạn đã đăng công khai
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