Respond to TINYpulse surveys, submit anonymous suggestions, send Cheers and more.
Tiedot päivitetty:18. heinäkuuta 2024
Yhteensopiva seuraavien kanssa:
1 t.+
TINYpulse by WebMD Health Services is a leading employee engagement and feedback solution, empowering companies around the world to measure and improve company culture, increase employee retention, and enhance performance by promoting better communication, transparency, and recognition in the workplace.

If your organization loves Gsuite, connect it with TINYpulse to: 
 • Get regular, actionable feedback from employees
 • Collect virtual, anonymous suggestions
 • Send positive recognition to teammates
TINYpulse provides leaders with the tools and insights to collect honest feedback and get the clarity they need to optimize engagement, build workplace culture, and ensure employees feel valued and heard. Using their desktop or mobile devices, employees can respond to surveys, share peer recognition and submit anonymous suggestions at any time to help drive positive changes across teams and the organization.  

Want an easy way to measure and increase employee engagement? Learn more: 

The TINYpulse Gmail add-in enables quick and easy access to the TINYpulse features without leaving your inbox.

By installing the add-in, users will be able to: 
-Respond to surveys.
-View and send Cheers to recognize colleagues on-the-go.
-Submit anonymous suggestions to leadership and follow through with private messages.
-Manage team initiatives from your inbox.

How it works: 
-Install the add-on from G Suite Marketplace.
-Click on the “add-on” icon from the sidebar when opening notification emails.
-Let responses flow directly from your Gmail inbox to TINYpulse.

Not using Gsuite? Connect TINYpulse with: 
-Microsoft Teams 
-HRIS software 
-Azure Active Directory 
-Microsoft Outlook
HinnatEi saatavilla
Asema elinkeinonharjoittajana määrittelemätön
TINYpulse by WebMD Health Services pyytää sinulta alla mainittuja lupia. Lue lisää
TINYpulse by WebMD Health Services tarvitsee pääsyn Google-tilillesi
Tällä luvalla TINYpulse by WebMD Health Services voi tehdä seuraavaa:
tarkastella sähköpostiviestejä, kun laajennus on käynnissä
toimia Gmailin lisäosana
yhdistää ulkoiseen palveluun
Tarkastele ja hallinnoi sovellukseen liittyviä tietoja
nähdä Google-tilisi ensisijaisen sähköpostiosoitteen
nähdä henkilökohtaiset tietosi sekä kaikki sellaiset tiedot, jotka olet määrittänyt julkisiksi
Google ei todenna arvosteluja tai arvioita. Lue lisää arvosteluista
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