Generation of a sample list and rack labels for field research
1 тис.+
This add-on arranges a collection of samples into an 8 x 12 (96 well) array and creates labeled, hard-copy plate maps for sample collection into a standard, 96-well format rack.

The input is a short list of samples consisting of group names (e.g., plot numbers) and the number of samples (e.g., plants) per group. The output assigns to each sample an ordered ID that incorporates the group name, an address in an 8 x 12 (96-well) array, a unique ID for the 96-well array, and enters the information into three output sheets: (1) The Sample List is an expanded sheet that lists all of the samples individually and their corresponding plate address.  (2 and 3) The There are 2 worksheets with rack labels (plate maps), one for notes and one formatted for printing to fit over a 2.1 ml deep-well 96 hole plate. Once the plate map is fitted to the deep-well plate, sample tubes are pushed through their labeled positions in the paper map as they are collected, which minimizes tracking errors.
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